Monday, January 23, 2012
2012 > 2011?
Nearly a month has gone by since we started this little diddy called 2012. From year to year it seems strange to me to be able to call it the next year in line and it usually takes me until april or may before I’m able to write the correct date into anything anyway. How is this year stacking up so far I wonder? Sometimes in life I couple events together or periods of time into chapters or whatever. 2011 feels like it was starting a new one so it makes me curious to see how this year is stacking up to the last thus far. To tell that I suppose I’d have to look at January of 2011 first.
I honestly don’t remember much of it and that’s probably a good sign. I know I was horribly depressed and being mopey everyday. I was writing a lot of music, mostly for my own projects, but I was doing a good deal of writing for T3 as well. In fact, a good chunk of songs on our recent album were written in early 2011. At this point I was finishing up working at the UCA bookstore for the billionth time and then unemployed until mid feb when I started up at HARPS. Aaaaaannnd I think that’s about it really. 2011 was eventful, but not so much in Jan.
This year so far hmmm…I started out the year really really sick that had been going on since mid December, nearly got fired from my job for various reasons, got better for a week or so but now I’m getting sick again, and early this morning one of my gerbils died L That all sounds pretty crappy, but luckily the good things have been outweighing the bad. My schedule changed to a normal one (m-f 8-5), my position at work changed for the better. I now love my job and my teammates and Its virtually stress free so far, Ive figured out a budge for myself and I’m actually saving a lot of money and well on the course to achieve a lot of things I meant to last week but was unable to. I’m going to be applying for a temporary position at work soon that will deal exactly with what I got my degree in, and a few other fantastical things as of late. I played a show last week, and I’m slowly starting to write music again thanks to having Ryan around once again. So, I suppose that hit for hit 2012 is showing up to be a much better year. Its early to tell, but as of right now, it is and I’m ok with that.