Sunday, October 17, 2010

Its been a long month

I’m not much of a travel person to be honest. I don’t get overwhelmed looking at amazing looking sights be they natural or man made. I’m usually content with looking at them for a second then moving on. I don’t have really great ambitions of traveling far and wide and seeing the world. I enjoy seeing and experiencing new things, but I don’t live for it. That being said, I sure do travel a lot for some reason.
This past month alone I’ve made numerous trips all across the country and am rounding out what will hopefully be my last one for awhile right now. I’m currently sitting in Regan International in DC but that’s only the midst of my travels. I started out by driving close to nine hours heading to my sisters home in southern Illinois. From there I zipped across the middle of Missouri through St. Louis and jumping south of Colombia to head to Osage Beach for some business meeting type things. Then the long drive home for a few days before hopping a flight through Atlanta, GA to get here to DC. And now I’m flying out to Dallas on my way to Salt Lake City. Typing it all out it doesn’t seem like much, but it sure has felt that way. Why the travel? A little bit of job hunting, a little bit of visiting family, a lot of trying to figure a lot of problems out. All in all, not a good selection for getting good sleep that’s for sure.
It does make me think about all the travel in general I’ve done throughout my life and am kind of amazed by it. I’ve been to nearly every state in the United States and while international travel isn’t high on my list I have been out of the country, if only to Mexico. But not tourist resort Mexico, but real life heart of Mexico. I am still amazed to see people having never left their home state. I know for some people it’s a money issue, for others it’s a “I’m ok with just hanging out here” and I get that, because I feel it too sometimes. Its just that we live in a very diverse country here and visiting even other sides of it bring forth new culture, language, and lots of interesting things. We’re a melting pot of race, class, smell, color, and habit. It’s fascinating. Anyone who says America is for Americans is dumb, that’s what I say. If we didn’t have such an amalgamation of culture, we wouldn’t nearly be as interesting. But honestly that’s a topic for another day. In the meantime, go travel somewhere. It’s good for you.

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