First blog of 2013 a good four months too late right?
This has been one of those weird years for sure. So many things have happened and yet it feels like the same pattern on overload to be honest. Lets hit the highlights to bring us up to speed shall we:
*lost my job at HP
*played a killer show at downtown music
*started on unemployment
*my brand new car broke down with tons of problems that I had no choice but to pay for
*got really sick for a weekend with the plague or something
*started recording solo music
*played a semi-solo acoustic set at Hibernia in Feburary
*mailed in my motherboard to get my computer fixed
*Leroy got really sick all of a sudden and passed away
*went to a live taping of WWE Smackdown
*got my motherboard back only to find it didnt fix it
*bought a new motherboard, it didnt fix it either, RMA'd it and switched ram and eventually had to RMA my processor, but it works now
*Scribbles developed a nasty tumor on his belly that I was told I would eventually need to put him down for, but so far its been 3 weeks and he's still kicking and doesn't seem to show any signs of being sick other than it being there *crosses fingers*
*more job hunting
*been overhauling my portfolio website so I can get said job
*developed a nasty amount of poison ivy on my right arm after helping in a yard work service day
*played a really awesome and fun show in the middle of nowhere in Hot Springs this past weekend
Annnndd I guess that's mostly it right? Other things, but that's been the highlights I suppose.
I was mowing the lawn earlier and as always it turned into my little thinking period. I have no idea what I'm doing with myself at the moment. I've been in this downward spiral of bad luck for the last few months and I'm currently unsure of what I want to do. I have my main goal: get a job. A decent job. And I suppose its more on the lines of wait and see what I can get and have it make the decisions made for me as to what I take, where I go and the like. But in general I've been in such a pattern of job hunting, unemployment, laying around, mild depression, housework, that I dont know what my drive is anymore. Or maybe I do and I've just forgotten. The fog however is starting to clear and I at least have that one goal and maybe for once I'll just stop trying to plan things out and just freefall and see what life has in store for me instead.
i wish you best of luck with the job search - ou're so talented...anyone would be a fool not to hire you!! :)