Saturday, March 27, 2021

Lions are Prowling The Streets

 I often wonder where my head is at during different parts of my life. Before social media and a lot of other internet hangouts, its hard to look back and see what I had going on unless I remember specific events or happen to be actively writing in my journal.

But post social media years its an easy correlation to see if I was happy or sad. I've noticed I, probably like a lot of people, tend to post on social media more when I'm depressed or alone. If I look back over the years and view posts on different networks I notice that when I was single I would post more often. Not always posts about me being sad or anything, but just more in general. More pictures, more random comments, more of everything. Especially when I was alone or depressed. Why? Probably for the same reason anyone does, its a way to extend your hand out into the internet void in hopes that someone will reach back and connect with you.  

On the other side, I've noticed large blank portions where I would rarely post anything at all. Those were usually times I was either incredibly engrossed in a project or more likely in a relationship that and was too busy to post. Too busy being happy I suppose. Then things have changed over the years for sure. I just don't post much online as I used to as I've gotten older. Mostly due to the fact that I don't feel like sharing my entire life online for privacy reasons or don't believe anyone cares to know what I ate for dinner.

Most things I post in the last few years are bad jokes or small tiny life updates when I feel like pulling back the curtain a bit. But what happens when both worlds collide? I don't feel like posting anything about myself and I dont feel all that connected either. What happens when I'm super lonely all the time and am in such a funk that I dont reach out anymore?  Do I still exist? Or am I always that person sitting on the corner watching the world go by?

 Lately it feels a little like this anyway. I've gone through pockets over the last year of being content and then being really down. Being enthusiastic and being exhausted.  Optimistic and motivated and downtrodden and just depressed.

I just wish there I could remember my process of how to navigate the ups and downs like I used to so that I don't sit here alone on a Saturday night posting on a blog that is hidden away because I want to say something, but I don't honestly want anyone to read it. I guess I just always assumed that at this point in my life I wouldn't be experiencing these times of situations. I never expect life to be perfect but at least hoped to be past the feeling of being here and nowhere at once.

I think music is the answer, and I keep making 2 steps forward and 1 step back every time I pick up my guitar, but its getting there. The real question however is how will I feel once I put all of this into words and songs that I've felt for the last decade or so and don't keep it to myself anymore. Will I feel a sense of relief? Or will it leave a large music shaped hole where this project has been sitting forever now?

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