Every year it seems like clockwork with the changing of the seasons. It doesn’t matter how hard you try or how much you fight it, getting sick just happens. Depending on how well you take care of yourself depends on how bad it happens, but it always will. My whole life it’s been on sort of a cycle of every year something happens at a certain time. For me usually it’s a cold sometime in the fall or early winter with another smaller case to follow in the late winter/early spring. As I got older you add in allergies in the spring that bring all sorts of hell on earth for months at a time as well as what appears to be an annual fever/puking fest on Christmas eve for some reason. Not to mention the flu or something similar in November or early December.
Generally I accredit such ailments to working at the bookstore on campus. That place is a treasure trove of viruses and bacteria from all those kids coming in with who knows what just germing up the place. It seems to waft back into the shipping area where I’m working at and every year for a good three days or so I’m feeling like utter crap and having to call in at least twice.
What is it about the changing of seasons that makes us more prone to getting sick? Is it the drastic change in temperature that causes us to not dress appropriately and on time? Or is it just a build up of neglect when we aren’t washing our hands properly perhaps? I just know that its like clockwork and although fall is my favorite time of the year I get generally annoyed like its something new to me when I get sick. I should just learn to deal with it and prepare for it. Perhaps take precautionary measures and get a shot or something? Yeah no thanks. I’ll just muscle it out. Which is another stupid idea, yet we all feel like we can handle it often enough. Sometimes that’s the truth, but in all honesty its just a dumb idea.
There was a point to this entry but I can’t see straight due to whatever it is bugging me so never mind. Bring on the fever dreams!
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