Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Think I Need A New Back

So I pulled a muscle in my lower back last Saturday doing nothing particularly strenuous. All I remember is leaning forward into the sink at work and suddenly it hurting. Saturday it hurt and Sunday it hurt worse, but then Monday it felt better. Yesterday and today it feels both better and worse. The pain has shifted from my lower back to just on the right side of my lower back, but for awhile earlier today it all but disappeared with the exception to moving to my tailbone. I'm at a loss for whats going on and it sucks.

I went to the doctor on Monday and he prescribed me some pain killers and a muscle relaxer. So far they do about nothing. Am I somehow immune to these pills? Its not a horrible unable to do anything pain, its just an obnoxious constant numbing pain that gets in the way of me bending over, picking things up, or standing/sitting down.

When I pulled a muscle in my back a few years ago it only took a few days and I was back on my feet, but this time its taking a min. Its a good thing I don't have any shows coming up. I guess I'm just getting old.

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