Friday, May 27, 2011

When I Was A Child

I recall getting into arguments or hearing about situations that made people's blood boil and little things associated with it. As I got a little older I learned about the concept of childish things and people starting things just to start them. I remember quite often having a dual thing going on of desiring to be older so that I didn't get involved or care about petty things that didn't matter and on the other side falling into these sort of things because hey, when you're a kid/teenager/etc its just a normal natural thing to do. None the less I always believed oh hey, adults don't get into needless stupid things like this. At least not a public field anyway.

Of course as we all grow older we find and see that these sort of things exist whether you are old or young, male or female, anywhere in the world, on an individual level or in large social groups. It’s just a natural course of action I suppose. However, the older you get comes with the inert ability and social norm that you don't do such childish things. It’s something that every man and woman through the course of living should have developed. Should have, but we all fall into it from time to time. The amount and level of it depends on the person however. Perhaps at your job there are petty squabbles or maybe in some families there are blood feuds of some sorts about how one another are living their lives, but deep down none of these things mean much they just are there to stir up things for no reason. It’s just curious to me how this sort of thing exists and doesn't seem to vanish in any way shape or form during the course of a person’s life, unless they choose not to. And that’s the simple answer: just deciding not to. Some situations that is easier than others but in general if involved in something like this, its going to be a pretty universal thing to sit back and question “is this really a big deal or just needless drama?”. A vast majority of the time it’s going to be the latter. Just saying.

Its no wonder I don’t participate in as many social groups that I either often or just occasionally affiliate with anymore. In the years past that I look back on now I can see just how much needless drama there has been and how easy it was to be sucked into it. Now this sort of thing is hard to avoid or let go of when involved with somebody close to you in life like a loved one or family member, but if its not its much easier to just shrug your shoulders and say oh well. Isn’t that the irony of life? Or perhaps just a too obvious statement? My question is just why can’t people get along? Who really needs to spice up their life with drama anyway? Is it born from how you were raised? Does it come from the feeling of petty jealousy because nobody is paying attention to you? Perhaps it’s just a self centered feeling of thinking everything in the world is in fact about you and everyone is out to get you. No matter what the case, drama is born out of stupid things that leads to stupid things making seriously dangerous matters out of something not so much.

This isn’t born from anything directly in my life or anybody causing drama for me personally, but just something I’ve been observing as of late at work and through some friends I know online whom I don’t really talk to all that much. I guess its just easier to view these sorts of things when you aren’t directly involved in it. I hate drama and much more I hate getting involved with it, so times its not directed at me I’m extremely grateful it isn’t and I can just shake my head and keep doing what I’m going instead.


  1. I couldn't agree more -- I hate drama and try to avoid it whenever possible.

  2. I agree. I also hate how so many people who claim to hate drama are actually the ones who start and perpetuate it - at least a lot of the drama queen girls I know are that way. But you're right, don't we have better things to do with our lives? Wish everyone else was that mature too.
