Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Enough Is Enough

I'm not exactly the poster child of good health, but I've always been pretty healthy. I'm usually full of energy to a point and don't have a problem getting up nor moving around, but my weight is an issue I've had for years. Just like a lot of people my weight is closely tied to my emotional position, but unlike most people I don't just eat I do the opposite.

Usually its pretty manageable and while at the moment I don't feel puny weak nor incapable of accomplishing things like I have in the past I made a frightening discovery when I happened to step on the scale today. Way below even my normal for when I get like this. I figured that it would be like this for awhile, as it always is when I get depressed so it all just fluctuates for awhile then eventually gets back to normal. Maybe its been the fluctuation of feeling alright then not alright for the last month or so that's done it, or maybe I should factor in that I was pretty sick last week, but still I don't like it. I know I'm capable of getting up to a comfortable weight as I've done it a few times in my life where I was at and felt better. Not to mention I didn't look like a cancer patient all the time either. So.....its time to really plan out something and start eating. A lot. Wish me luck. Today is 121 and thats not where I'd like to be. Even my low the last few years has been 128 or higher. I'm thinking upto 135 or 140 is where I want to be. Suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Stress will do it for sure. I say enjoy because once you hit 40 you'll wish it were easier to get it off...but seriously...I'll ask Tony...it's part of his job you know so I'm sure he might have some good overall health suggestions that could help you out. Love ya.
