Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Googled Your Name Last Night, How Can I Be of Assistence?

So I was told the other day that I was being a stalker and not in that playful hey you're stalking me kind of way that sometimes friends joke about. But a legitimate you're creeping me out, knock it off. I'm not really here to dispute that because honestly in a way I've been doing just that and as I was told to back off I have, but it raises a point that I've been thinking about.

Doesn't everybody do it?

Especially in these days where we don't really have to try very hard to come up with nearly everything about anybody and everybody when its all posted online. Anything we write, mention, or scribble down in our blogs, facebook, twitter, any social media platform ends up on the internet forever. You might delete your post or whatever but that doesn't mean somebody didn't see it, or that its not saved into some database by the system forever and ever. That's a whole other blog all together tho. We all do that as well but thats not what I was thinking about.

What I did start to think about is like I said, everybody does it. We do it to bands we get into. We look up any and all information we can get our hands on because we want to know. We do it when we like somebody and want to get to know them better. The only thing missing from the equation is if that person equally wants to get to know you. Then its no longer stalking its affectionate. If you have a job where you're going to have a client of some sort you research them thoroughly. If you hire somebody for a position for a job you look up anything you can that is online about them. We're all a little stalker-ish from time to time.

I'm not disputing that yeah I was, but it just made me think of where the line is drawn these days. What if you're dating somebody and then you break up? You go from being "affectionate" to stalker about instantly when one party doesn't want anything to do with you anymore and would like that you don't either. Its a fickle system if you ask me. But oh well. I guess I'm just a creeper, sorry.


  1. Everybody does do it on some level -- if someone says they don't they're lying. Including anyone who would know that you've been addressing them. How else would they know...everyone does it. Don't feel bad about it. Amen.

  2. Hi Robert, not stalking, just wanting to stay connected and know how you're doing. I mainly stay updated through your sisters, but I hope you don't mind me also reading your posts. Rockie times the past few months for you. I hate that. I have to believe that the old dictum "Time heals all" will hold true for you too. If you ever want to contact me, feel free.

